Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The 30-Day Photo Challenge

The 30-Day Photo Challenge isn't a diet.  It isn't some sort of spiritual fast, either.  It's actually a proposal that I've seen going around on Facebook.  Usually I ignore such things, but I actually believe that this one provokes thought and consideration.  Following the specific instructions, the goal is to post a different picture every day that corresponds with each day's "thought".  Perhaps a little cheesy, but sometimes cheesy is ok with me. 

DAY ONE:  A picture of you and five facts about yourself.

1.  Currently, I've been on this planet for twenty-five an a half years.  The last eighteen of those years have been spent as a born-again Christian, loving and serving an awesome God.  Until He returns or calls me home, I hope to continue seeking Him!

2.  While there may be no place like home, and while I do adore East Tennessee, my favorite place in the world is Sanibel Island, Florida.  Sanibel holds the keys to my childhood's memories and dreams, and somehow, when I am there, it unlocks the free-spirited, un-burdened part of my soul.  Since I was two-years-old, I have spent every single summer and some Christmases at Sanibel, and it has only been since I got married that this has changed.  Christopher will testify that I sometimes cry (yes, cry!) when I think about the fact that the days of packing up the truck with my family and heading down for a 2-week-vacation are over.  I feel like the real Shelley is in Sanibel and is meant to reside there one day.  My ultimate dream for my life would be to live on the island and work in the library a few days a week; in my flip flops and tank top, I'd just hop on my bike and ride to and from work.  So simple.
3.  I am a book nerd.  I love to read, and I have trouble understanding why other people don't love it as much as I do.  Perhaps the right book has never landed in their hands.  When I think of my own personal favorites, these books comes to mind:
*The Harry Potter Series
*To Kill a Mockingbird
*The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns
*The Secret Life of Bees
*The Book Thief
Books empower us; without them, our society would be nothing. 

4.  There are some weird things that only the people closest to me know.  For instance, only a few people know about my obsession with two particular celebrities:  Dolly Parton and Steven Tyler.  Opposite ends of the spectrum, I know.  I don't even like country music, but for years I have just LOVED Dolly herself.  I have a few CD's and songs that I do enjoy, but it's just her that I adore.  I love how honest she is; she's funny, spunky, and charming.  She's delightfully and purposefully trashy in a classy sort of way.  I want her to be my best friend. Honestly, if I had a dinner party where I could invite five people from history to the present day, she would be one of them.  (Elie Wiesel, Esther, Harriet Tubman, and Cary Grant would be the others). 
As for Steven Tyler, I've loved Aerosmith ever since I can remember.  I genuinely love the band's music and I adore Joe Perry too.  But I guess I have just always like Steven Tyler's bold, in-your-face personality.  His stage presence is fantastic and not quite as goofy as Mick Jagger.  I thought Steven Tyler was selling out by doing a show like American Idol, but after tuning in for a bit the other night, I thought he made a fantastic judge!  And yes, I've considered auditioning just for the chance to meet him.  I would do it. 

I would.
5.  I love my husband.  I love my family.  I love my animals.  I (sometimes) love my job.  And I suppose that's all there is to it.

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