So our fluffy orange cat, Fitz, had a urinary tract infection back in November that required two trips to the vet in one week and around $400.00 out of our pocket in examinations and medication. He seemed to be doing better, but Saturday when Christopher and I arrived home from a 4-day vacation, he was acting up again. "Acting up" involves much whining, sitting in the litter box for over 15 minutes with no results, and, worst of all, peeing in one particular spot: our loveseat. Obviously, I want the poor guy to feel better...but I REALLY want him to stop peeing on the couch! Cat urine odors do.not.go.away. Praying hard tonight for a miracle that somehow involves no more money to be spent on his UTI...
In other news, Christopher just bought a rifle. For a wedding gift, I had given him a .22 pistol; just something to have in case a skunk or something got into our dog lot and started messing with our dogs, Kiya and Lexi.However, his protective instincts led him to desire something a little more powerful in the case of a break-in or even some sort of terrorist attack here in Cameron Court. So, welcome Mr. Semi-Automatic Rifle to the Martin household. I hope to goodness you are only to be used in practice.
(Guns scare me and I truly hope that I am never forced to be on the other end of one or to have to shoot one in order to protect myself or my family).
Nonetheless: Don't mess with Mr. Coach Martin. Or me. Or Kiya, Lexi, Fitz, and Rhea for that matter.
Somehow I cannot come up with a segue from guns to marriage so I'll just get right to it. My good friend Mandy is engaged! Congratulations! Marriage is a beautiful covenant anointed by God when he is the main focus of the relationship. God knew exactly what He was doing when He created a companion for Adam.
Genesis 2:18
"Then the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him."
God created each of us, from our fingerprints to our talents to our flaws. Additionally,for some of us, He created a match. A partner to struggle with, grow with, and pray with. My prayer for bride-to-be Mandy and myself is to serve and bless our husbands. Proverbs 31:10-12 says, "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life." My pride, insecurity, and selfishness are not only ugly to God, but they're ugly to Christopher as well. If I open myself to have a servant's heart, then I can bring glory to God while being a blessing to my husband. Mandy, I'm praying for you and Zach as you take this next step!
One more thing about marriage: mine is glorious, thanks to this guy right here:
And I don't mean the cat.
Great blog! I hope your readers in Alaska are pleased...